Hack-in-Progress Icon / Spinner

A loading/progress spinner of hackers, typing and highfiving, as described in a conversation with ushg – an idea he had but lacks the free time to do it himself. Awesome idea, here you go Ush!
32×32 pixels and 128×128 upscaled versions, something to put on a page while it’s loading.

Loading, and load complete.

Hacking Typing Loading Spinner by Darren Kearney

Please wait, hacking…

Hacking Typing Loading Highfive Spinner by Darren Kearney

Hacking Complete!

And larger versions:

Hackers Typing Progress Icon 128x128 by Darren Kearney      Hacking Typing Loader 128x128  by Darren Kearney

Alternate highfive!
Hackers Typing Progress Complete Highefive Icon Animation 32x32 by Darren Kearney

Hackers Typing Progress Complete Highefive Icon Animation 128x128 by Darren Kearney